Thursday, April 19, 2012

Need your assistance, please...

If any of my readers are going to Guatemala some time this year, could you please notify me via email at:  If you come to Guatemala but do not have plans to come to Casa, I can meet you at the airport to pick up the suitcases.

We have numerous suitcases filled with sewing supplies and fabric that needs to be sent to Casa de Aleluya as soon as possible.  We will soon expand the sewing program to include more students and our sewing supplies are low here.  Lillian and I teach together in the mornings and I will begin new classes soon in the afternoon so that more students have an opportunity to learn the art of sewing.  We will begin jewelry making classes soon as well.  I appreciate any and all help for the precious children here and look forward to hearing from some of you very soon.

Two generous people gave us money to ship the clothes donated to the children along with 9 sewing machines.  They should arrive here mid May.  The Lord has blessed us with many donations for supplies and additional clothes for the children.

Thank you so much for your help and I look forward to hearing from you.

God bless you for helping the children here at Casa Aleluya!
