As I prepare to go to Guatemala, I have many thoughts. I am excited, and terrified, but also think about how much I will miss all of my family and friends. I'm looking forward to what the Father has for me in Guatemala at Casa de Aleluya and this next chapter of my life. I read Mike's journal daily as I get it in my email and I feel as if I'm already there. The way he describes the activities such as graduation, and Christmas preparations makes me want to be there so much. I already feel a part of the orphanage and am anxious to get to know the children.
Mike and Dottie, the founders of Casa de Aleluya, have so much on them right now and need your prayers daily. Just being in charge of almost 500 children is tiring in and of itself but there are other things recently that have taken their toll on them as well. One of the little girls, a dialysis patient, died a few weeks ago. The other dialysis patients are scared and Mike and Dottie need wisdom in how to talk to them and help them not to be afraid.
Please be in prayer for me as I continue to raise funds, looking for churches and Sunday School classes to speak too, Pray for the Father's perfect timing and my patience in waiting for it. I so want to be there now but I want what the Father wants for my life more.
Blessings to you all...
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
God's Provision
While packing up to leave my apartment, I was diligently searching for an efficiency apartment. All I had found at this point was very expensive and one place was somewhat reasonable. However, I continued to look in hopes to find something I could afford without a strain on my budget. A few months ago, I was out and about one Friday night and ran into some people I had not seen in about 25 years. Early in our marriage, we lived next door to a young couple with a baby. Over the next few years we became good friends and we spent a lot of time with her mom and dad as well. I could not believe I had ran into her and her Mom on this particular night. Her Mom (Faye) and I began meeting at the Olive Garden on Wednesday night to have coffee and just 'catch up' on all that had happened over the years. We were both single now since Faye had been widowed earlier this year after 55 years of marriage. One night while sitting in the restaurant, Faye said, "why do you want an efficiency apartment"? I explained that I just needed a bed, shower, and a small place to fix something to eat until I left for the mission field. She then asked me to come and stay with her. I hesitated because I did not really know what to say. Faye suggested that we both pray about it and just see where the Lord leads us. After much prayer, I decided to move in with Faye. The Father gave me a great peace once I made the decision and I knew that was what He wanted me to do. I have to tell you that the first morning after I moved in, this precious woman got up at 5:30am to fix me coffee. These early morning chats with coffee have become very special times for me over the past two weeks. She is there to welcome me home after a day's work, kisses me goodnight and tells me she loves me. My own Mom has been with the Lord for a little over 11 years now and I have to say that it has been wonderful to be 'mothered' again and dotted on a little. The Lord knew exactly what I needed at this particular time in my life.
I lay in bed that first night at Faye's and prayed thanking the Father once again for His provision for me. He has taken care of my every need time and time again - especially since I have been on my own the past few years. I began to reflect over some of the times the Lord provided for His people in the Bible. There was God's provision for Elijah during a famine when the widow and her son took care of him (I Kings 17)..Hagar and her unborn son were taken care of by God in Genesis 16...Rahab and her family were take care of and protected by God in Joshua 6...and on and on. Throughout God's word, He provides for His people. Why do we in our human fraility always doubt the power and provision of God? We become so consumed (myself in particular) with our circumstances we lose sight of the One who created everything and hung the stars and the moon in place. Psalm 19:1 says,
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork."
Tonight when you lay down in bed, remember to thank the Creator of the Universe for everything you have because the Word says in Colossians 3:17: " Do everything you say or do in the name of the Lord Jesus. Always give thanks to God the Father through Christ"
...just a few of my thoughts this week
I lay in bed that first night at Faye's and prayed thanking the Father once again for His provision for me. He has taken care of my every need time and time again - especially since I have been on my own the past few years. I began to reflect over some of the times the Lord provided for His people in the Bible. There was God's provision for Elijah during a famine when the widow and her son took care of him (I Kings 17)..Hagar and her unborn son were taken care of by God in Genesis 16...Rahab and her family were take care of and protected by God in Joshua 6...and on and on. Throughout God's word, He provides for His people. Why do we in our human fraility always doubt the power and provision of God? We become so consumed (myself in particular) with our circumstances we lose sight of the One who created everything and hung the stars and the moon in place. Psalm 19:1 says,
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork."
Tonight when you lay down in bed, remember to thank the Creator of the Universe for everything you have because the Word says in Colossians 3:17: " Do everything you say or do in the name of the Lord Jesus. Always give thanks to God the Father through Christ"
...just a few of my thoughts this week